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Library user? Tell us your views contributions

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almost 3 years ago


Are you a...

• A Hackney resident

Housing tenure: If you're a Hackney resident, which of the following best describes your home occupancy?

Rented (from a private landlord)

If any, which libraries in Hackney do you visit?

• Stamford Hill

• Stoke Newington

Which library in Hackney do you visit most?

Stoke Newington

Why do you visit this library?

It is a convenient journey into the main shopping area. And it is far enough to provide me with a reasonable length walk.

Please tell us how you travel to the library:


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the availability and range of books, DVDs, CDs audiobooks and eBooks?


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the ease of access into the building and within the building?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the knowledge of staff?


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the friendliness and behaviour of staff?


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opening times?


Thinking about your responses to the previous questions, please use this space to expand on your answers:

These are certainly not my major concerns. These are: 1) the libraries even now are withholding printing services - without good reason; 2) the libraries have taken advantage of the pandemic to offer minimal services, while paying the staff a full wage (for chatting?) - comparable services have been open outside the main lockdown period; 3) your books stocks are abysmal - I rarely use the stock despite regular visits.

Which of the following items have you borrowed from our libraries in the last three years?

• Books (paper)

How often have you borrowed these items?

Every few months

Do you access computers, printers, scanners or tablets in your local library?


If yes, how often do you access computers, printers, scanners or tablets in your local library?

A few times a week

If any, which of the following activities do you do in our libraries using the internet?

• Shopping online and paying bills

• Booking personal appointments e.g. medical

• General browsing for information

• Casual use e.g. listening to music, watching videos

Is the purpose of your visit to the library to access free wifi?


How often do you attend events at your local library? (e.g. children events, author talks)


Other than to borrow an item or use the internet, do you use the library for any other reasons?

• Accessing reference materials

• Reading books, newspapers and magazines

What would encourage you to go to your library in the future?

• A wider range of books (paper), newspaper, DVDs, CDs, audio books

• Availability of a printer, photocopier and scanner

• Coffee shop or bookshop on site

• More digital equipment available e.g. webcam, tablets, laptops

• More arts exhibitions and creative activities for all ages

If you were thinking about visiting a Hackney library in the future, when would you be most likely to visit?

• Daytime, 9am - 5pm

• Evenings, 5pm - 10pm

Thinking about what you want in the future, how could we improve libraries?

I am always conscious sitting in the library of how much space, how few books (etc). At home, it's the opposite (very little space, cramped, very many books). Of course, I am compensating for the lack of public provision. I hope that's obvious. Here in Stoke Newington there are a number of usable spaces (eg a reading room) which were designed into the library in the 1930's but which (somehow) we are assumed not to need. I doubt that Mr Carnegie believed that they were for limited-term usage.

Has the Covid pandemic changed the way you use or plan to use Hackney’s Library Service in the future? If so, please explain:

I used to be a regular visitor, but the unwillingness of the library services to respond positively to the changing needs imposed by the pandemic makes me unwilling to re-commit.

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almost 3 years ago


Are you a...

• A Hackney resident

Housing tenure: If you're a Hackney resident, which of the following best describes your home occupancy?

Owned outright

If any, which libraries in Hackney do you visit?

• Dalston CLR James

Which library in Hackney do you visit most?

Dalston CLR James

Why do you visit this library?

Near my house, I enjoy the space and light in the building.

Please tell us how you travel to the library:


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the availability and range of books, DVDs, CDs audiobooks and eBooks?


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the ease of access into the building and within the building?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the knowledge of staff?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the friendliness and behaviour of staff?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opening times?


Which of the following items have you borrowed from our libraries in the last three years?

• Books (paper)

How often have you borrowed these items?

Every few months

Do you access computers, printers, scanners or tablets in your local library?


If yes, how often do you access computers, printers, scanners or tablets in your local library?

Every few months

If other, please specify


Is the purpose of your visit to the library to access free wifi?


How often do you attend events at your local library? (e.g. children events, author talks)


Other than to borrow an item or use the internet, do you use the library for any other reasons?

• Reading books, newspapers and magazines

• Studying and quiet space

If you were thinking about visiting a Hackney library in the future, when would you be most likely to visit?

• Mornings, 6am - 9am

• Daytime, 9am - 5pm

• Evenings, 5pm - 10pm

• Saturdays

• Sundays

Thinking about what you want in the future, how could we improve libraries?

More comfy space, ability to borrow books from other libraries as prior to pandemic, more creative activities for adults, better online services eg catalogue, audio books eyc

Has the Covid pandemic changed the way you use or plan to use Hackney’s Library Service in the future? If so, please explain:

It got me out of the habit of using Library and I reverted to buying books. I would like to return to using the library for reading and spending time.

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almost 3 years ago


Thinking about your responses to the previous questions, please use this space to expand on your answers:

We have a very good relationship with the Library staff and would like to work more closely with them and the community

If other, please specify

The Library is my place of work. It is my studio so I use it all the time. It is a space that has many other uses as well as borrowing books and using computers

If you attend events at your library, what events do you attend?

• Other

What would encourage you to go to your library in the future?

• Workspace and meetings for business use

• Opening hours that suit my lifestyle

If you said other, please tell us more

My self and my colleagues need more studio space to run our work as community artists. We would like to expand our space and offer more to our community

Thinking about what you want in the future, how could we improve libraries?

More cultural activities, more space for community groups and exhibits.

If you selected other, please provide more infomration:

I work at the Library as do other artists and community groups

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almost 3 years ago


Are you a...

• A Hackney resident

Housing tenure: If you're a Hackney resident, which of the following best describes your home occupancy?

Being bought on a mortgage

If any, which libraries in Hackney do you visit?

• Shoreditch

• Dalston CLR James

Which library in Hackney do you visit most?

Dalston CLR James

Why do you visit this library?

Nearest Biggest

Please tell us how you travel to the library:


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the ease of access into the building and within the building?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the knowledge of staff?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the friendliness and behaviour of staff?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opening times?

Mostly positive

Which of the following items have you borrowed from our libraries in the last three years?

• Books (paper)

How often have you borrowed these items?

Every few months

Do you access computers, printers, scanners or tablets in your local library?


Is the purpose of your visit to the library to access free wifi?


How often do you attend events at your local library? (e.g. children events, author talks)


If you attend events at your library, what events do you attend?

• Children and young people’s events such as clubs and summer reading challenges

• Educational events, training and classes.

Other than to borrow an item or use the internet, do you use the library for any other reasons?

• None of the above

What would encourage you to go to your library in the future?

• Attend events for children, adults and the community

• Coffee shop or bookshop on site

• Better information on what libraries offer

If you were thinking about visiting a Hackney library in the future, when would you be most likely to visit?

• Evenings, 5pm - 10pm

• Saturdays

• Sundays

Thinking about what you want in the future, how could we improve libraries?

More into about ebooks and audio online books. Get younger people more interested.

Has the Covid pandemic changed the way you use or plan to use Hackney’s Library Service in the future? If so, please explain:

Didn’t use in pandemic so just getting used to having it there again

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almost 3 years ago


Are you a...

• A Hackney resident

Housing tenure: If you're a Hackney resident, which of the following best describes your home occupancy?

Rented (from a Housing Association/Trust)

Why do you visit this library?

for information / books / music / dvds

Please tell us how you travel to the library:


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the availability and range of books, DVDs, CDs audiobooks and eBooks?


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the ease of access into the building and within the building?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the knowledge of staff?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the friendliness and behaviour of staff?

Mostly positive

How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opening times?

Mostly positive

Which of the following items have you borrowed from our libraries in the last three years?

• Books (paper)

• DVDs

• CDs

How often have you borrowed these items?

A few times a month

Do you access computers, printers, scanners or tablets in your local library?


If yes, how often do you access computers, printers, scanners or tablets in your local library?

Every few months

If any, which of the following activities do you do in our libraries using the internet?

• Reading and learning online

• General browsing for information

Is the purpose of your visit to the library to access free wifi?


How often do you attend events at your local library? (e.g. children events, author talks)

Every few months

If you attend events at your library, what events do you attend?

• Children and young people’s events such as clubs and summer reading challenges

Other than to borrow an item or use the internet, do you use the library for any other reasons?

• Reading books, newspapers and magazines

• Accessing reference materials

• Studying and quiet space

• Visited an exhibition or archives

• Brought children to use the library

What would encourage you to go to your library in the future?

• A wider range of books (paper), newspaper, DVDs, CDs, audio books

• Availability of a printer, photocopier and scanner

• Workspace and meetings for business use

If you were thinking about visiting a Hackney library in the future, when would you be most likely to visit?

• Evenings, 5pm - 10pm

• Daytime, 9am - 5pm

Thinking about what you want in the future, how could we improve libraries?

a focus on free, inclusive provision - and understanding that the library is a place, a public space, as much as what it offers - warm and covered and not based on financial exchange - this is CRUCIAL

Has the Covid pandemic changed the way you use or plan to use Hackney’s Library Service in the future? If so, please explain:

not yet apart from obvious closure

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